Google AdWords – Showing Image Ads on the AdWords Search Network

Image Ads for Google AdWords Google AdWords has allowed image ads (display ads) on its content network for some time now.  But you may have noticed image ads ocassionally showing on Google AdWords search network.So what is this all about and more importantly, how can you start showing images ads within your own search network…

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Website Penalty? How to Diagnose and Fix a Google Penalty

Website Penalty? Steps to Diagnose and Fix a Google Penalty One of the most devastating things that can happen to a small business – especially a business that generates leads and business through the internet – is a Google penalty. A Google Penalty is often difficult to diagnose and fix, especially if you have recently…

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Google Caffeine | FeedBurner | Time to get in Google's Index

Google Caffeine, FeedBurner and Ultra Fast Google Indexing After you create a new web page, do you wonder how how much time it will take to get in Google’s Index?  It’s something I constantly check for my own website as well as for my clients’ websites.  But over the past several months, I’ve noticed ultra…

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Keyword Selection Tips – Google's Wonder Wheel and Keyword Relevance

Keyword Selection Tips – Using Google’s Wonder Wheel Keyword selection is a crucial part of developing your internet marketing strategy.  Many factors come in to play, such as: Presuming you already selected keywords with (ideally) high search volume and relatively low competition, then it’s time to answer how relevant the keyword is to your site’s…

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Google Caffeine and SEO for your Business

Google Caffeine and Small Business SEO By now, most SEO’s are very familiar with Google’s new infrastructure update, referred to as Caffeine. The new infrastructure is expected to roll out after the 2009 holiday season. Why Caffeine? Because of the way it indexes websites is like old Google jacked up on caffeine (and the old…

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